Preparing Organizations for the Future: The HR View – Native Webinar

Virtual Meeting
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What will be the long term impact of this crisis on the people part of the organization? What are the challenges and opportunities of the remote workforce? What should good leadership look like during a crisis?

We, Native & Executive Access India, are proud to bring together top HR thought leaders from diverse sectors, to discuss and answer these questions.


  • Ira Gupta – HR Head, Microsoft India
  • Judhajit Das – CHRO, ICICI Prudential Life Insurance
  • Manu Wadhwa – CHRO, Sony Pictures Networks India
  • Nirbhik Goel – EVP HR, Oberoi Group
  • Vikram Bector – CHRO, Piramal Group
  • Moderated by Avani Davda – Ex. CEO, Starbucks / Godrej Nature’s Basket

Native connects people and organizations so that they grow effortlessly. We understand the lay of the land through a unique blend of instinct and data. And we use this to help people and organizations make smart decisions about where and with whom they work. We call this the Power of Informed Intuition. With a reach across 14 industries, our 75+ consultants across our 3 offices – Mumbai, Delhi, and Bangalore have helped over 2500+ business leaders find companies Native to them.

Executive Access is a leading global search firm with a rich history of 25 years and over 2400 successful facilitations. In addition to our team of 60 people across 5 offices in India, we are also one the founding members of Panorama Search, our global network, which gives us unparalleled reach and access to 23 partners across 5 continents and 140 + Consultants worldwide. We are also the pioneers of the concept of “Accountability”, i.e. fee factored basis the performance of the individual placed by us.

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